
  • Užsakyti šiandien
    Gauti šiandien
  • Pristatymas Baltijos šalyse
  • 100% garantija
  • 100% pinigų grąžinimas
  • Grąžink prekę per 14 dienų


Terms of Use
General Agreement

1.1 SIA "T System Tyres", Reg. No. 43603042092; registered office: Zemgales pr. 4-36, Jelgava, LV-3001 (hereinafter – "") provides the contents available on the webpage (hereinafter – "Homepage"), provides services according to the below terms and conditions in compliance with item delivery, item return, as well as other terms and conditions and the company business policy (detailed in the Homepage) concerning certain functions, elements and advertisements, and provides customer service. All of the previously mentioned activities are included in these terms and conditions (hereinafter collectively – "Terms and Conditions") and are an integral part thereof.
When accessing or using the Homepage, you agree that you have read, understood and undertake to follow these Terms and Conditions without restrictions or conditions.
1.2 reserves the right to change the Terms of Use without prior notice.
1.3 If the consumer purchases the items for sale (hereinafter – "Items") offered on the Homepage via the internet, such mutual agreement is considered a Distance Contract and is subject to the laws governing a Distance Contract, including but not limited to Directive 97/7/EEC of the European Parliament and the Council on consumer protection regarding distance contracts, Consumer Rights Protection Law of the Republic of Latvia and Regulations Regarding Distance Contracts of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Latvia.
2. Privacy
2.1 Processing of the registration data will be performed in compliance with the requirements set out in the Personal Data Protection Law.
2.2 The information you provide will not be transferred to third parties without your consent, or used otherwise without prior coordination with you.
2.3 During the registration process, no financial information will be requested from you; only data necessary to pay for the purchases and draw up delivery notes will be requested. The consumer agrees to the processing of personal data.
2.4 Cookies are small files temporarily stored on the hard drive of your computer – they allow our webpage to recognise your computer the next time you visit our Homepage. uses cookies to collect information on the use of our Homepage.
3. Item prices
3.1 Item prices are specified excluding delivery expenses.
3.2 The prices and item proposal may be changed without prior notice.
3.3 Purchases should be prepaid.
4. Payment with VISA or MasterCard
This is one of the most common and oldest payment methods on the internet. The payment system is secured against fraudulent transactions, including 3D Secure technology – a unique system providing secure purchases on the internet, which is a part of global programmes such as MasterCard®, SecureCode™ and Verified by Visa. Prior to payment, as a buyer you must read the terms of use and agree to them. The processing of payments made with Visa, MasterCard and Banklink is performed by SIA "BilderlingsPay". You can read detailed information on payment security at
3D Secure technology is an internationally recognised protection system providing additional verification of a card user’s identity and the protection of card data on the internet. The system was developed to reduce the number of cases of fraud in online stores and to increase confidence in online purchases.
5. Item return
The buyer is entitled to withdraw from the agreement within 14 calendar days and return the item to
Return of items is performed in compliance with the Consumer Rights Protection Law of the Republic of Latvia.
6. Force majeure is not liable for the default of Contractual Obligations if it is caused by force majeure circumstances which were impossible to predict, control or prevent and if their occurrence is not the company’s fault. Force majeure circumstances are natural disasters, fires, war, civil unrest, revolt, strikes, epidemics, embargo, restrictions on or loss of power supply or loss of the internet, as well as the failure of computer equipment and software.
Additional information:
Regulation No. 207 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Latvia "Regulations Regarding Distance Contracts";
Regulation No. 631 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Latvia "Procedures for the Submission and Examination of Consumer Claims Regarding the Non-conformity of Goods or Services with Contract Provisions".
7. Right of withdrawal
Upon receipt of the item, please make sure the delivered items match the order.
The right of withdrawal is the consumer’s right to withdraw from the agreement (to cancel the order) within a specified period (within 14 calendar days) without payment of a contractual penalty, interest or compensation for damages.
Warranty rights and the right of withdrawal may be exercised in compliance with the laws in force in the Republic of Latvia, taking into account the type of item sold.
The exercising of warranty rights is possible if the Buyer has maintained a document certifying the purchase, which should be submitted to the Seller together with the purchased item.
If the Buyer wishes to exercise the right of withdrawal, it must be taken into account that the right of withdrawal cannot be exercised:
after the expiration of the period set out in law;
if the item is damaged;
regarding items intended for immediate use.
To exercise the right of withdrawal, the Buyer must deliver the item to the Seller’s address together with the document certifying the purchase, the withdrawal form (download as DOCX/PDF) and the warranty voucher (if it was issued to the Buyer).
The Buyer will receive the full amount of money paid for the returned item within thirty (30) days after the receipt of a written withdrawal.
The consumer should draw up a claim in free format or fill out a claim form included in Regulation No. 631 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Latvia "Procedures for the Submission and Examination of Consumer Claims Regarding the Non-conformity of Goods or Services with Contract Provisions".
More information on consumer rights: website of the Consumer Rights Protection Centre.
General provisions regarding consumer rights:
Item delivery
Delivery price and deadline is determined depending on the selected delivery method.
Item delivery in person is provided by an express courier company within 1-5 working days.


+371 22464323+371 27233000

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